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WEBINAR      W/Todd Zakrajsek

WEBINAR W/Todd Zakrajsek


This is an opportunity to maximize your use of Educational Blueprint items. Author of numerous books and an internationally renowned speaker, Todd Zakrajsek (see will work with you to develop a customized one-hour webinar for your faculty based on the educational tool of your choice (or any other topic in which Todd has published work related to teaching and learning). 


In a recent webinar, of 83 faculty members responding to a post-webinar survey, 100% selected either Strongly Agree or Agree for the item: "I would recommend this webinar to others."  Comments from campus host after a different webinar on effective teaching strategies included: "Thank you again for another engaging and insightful session! Many faculty leaving the session expressed their appreciation through chats and conversations with me."


NOTE: Cost of webinar may be reduced by the amount of single order of Educational Blueprint products purchased dollar for dollar, with the webinar option without charge for any order of products exceeding $2,000. Please contact Todd at for details. 

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