We have partnered with the ITLC Network, the Scholarly Teacher Blog, and Lilly Conferences on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning in our shared goal to bring faculty together to advance student learning.

The Scholarly Teacher Blog
The Scholarly Teacher Blog is a free resource intended to encourage our community of readers to purposefully pause, think critically, and reflect on their teaching and students’ learning. The blog emphasizes the importance of taking an informed and practiced approach to enhancing student learning by systematic improvement of effective teaching and focuses on a healthy balance of scholarly evidence and practical application. PThe Scholarly Teacher accepts unsolicited manuscripts for consideration; all manuscripts undergo blind peer review.
To read blog posts and learn more, visit:

Lilly Conferences on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning
For nearly 40 years, Lilly Conferences have provided opportunities for the presentation of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Currently, there are six national conferences per year. Conference participants are made up of faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. Conference presentations are selected through a blind peer-review process.
For more information about call for proposals, upcoming conferences, and more, visit:

ITLC | International Teaching Learning Cooperative
The ITLC, founded by Dr. Todd Zakrajsek, is committed to advancing educational development by supporting faculty members, providing valuable resources, and connecting individuals within higher education that care about student learning. The ITLC offers customized workshops for college and university campuses across the country and around the world, as well as hosts 5 Lilly Conferences and the Scholarly Teacher Blog.
For more information about available workshop topics and the ITLC, visit: